
  1. The Burke Museum
  2. Jay Haavik's Art Site
  3. Spirit Wrestler Gallery
  4. Inuit Gallery, Vancouver
  5. Gregg Blomburg - Kestrel Tool 
  6. The Background of Raven Stories 
  7. Dale Faulstich - Creative Art Enterprises 
  8. University of BC, Museum of Anthropology
  9. Tlingit Carver - Israel Shotridge 
  10. Pacific Northwest Coast Art 
  11. The Legacy Ltd. Gallery
  12. Seattle Art Museum
  13. Royal BC Museum
  14. Stonington Gallery 
  15. Duane Pasco 1
  16. Duane Pasco 2 
  17. Tillicum Village
  18. NW Coast Art 
  19. Hallman  


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